















No. 1381 Recommendations from the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women

The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, after eight years of lapse, examined the practices of the government of Japan. It announced its evaluation October 29, including a recommendation over the introduction of a system to allow a married couple to have separate surnames between a husband and a wife. The UN advice reflects a fact that discrimination against women is deeply-rooted in the Japanese society.


The fifth-round of advice from UN after ratification of Convention

The Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women is called ‘Constitution of the World’ in terms of the women’s human rights. The said UN body monitors contours of implementation of the convention. Currently 189 nations have concluded the treaty and the Committee examines, advises and make requests to the party governments, taking turns to check their legal systems and investigate what steps are taken to eliminate evil practices.

Japan ratified the convention in 1985 and has been advised five times by the Committee. The recommendations have impacted on the domestic laws to a certain extent: a time span prohibited not to re-marry after divorce, applied only to women, was eliminated in 2016 and a surge was made in the marrying age. The references have led to altering relevant laws.

Cooperation among opposition political parties needed to legislate

The Legislative Council of the Ministry of Justice has issued in 1996 an announcement to introduce a system in which a married couple can use separate family names and a bill to amend the Civil Code has been presented to the Diet several times. But the bills have been dropped even before parliamentary debates because of some of the conservative lawmakers of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) who aspire ‘defending a traditional family doctrine’. 

Fortunately, however, a path has been opened toward recognition of separate surnames; the ruling LDP has retreated since the last general election as it failed to obtain the parliamentary majority. Thus, the mainstream lawmakers are in favor of a law allowing married couple to have separate family names. President Noda Yoshihiko of the Constitutional Democratic Party mentioned; ‘I have gained the post of Director of the Legal Committee for this purpose. I will cooperate with the opposition parties to present a bill to revise the Civil Code which is necessary for enactment’.

Delays in measures to guarantee human rights

The announcement from the UN Committee includes a wide range of recommendations: correction of gender gaps in salary payment, extermination of violence against women, removal of consent from a spouse at an occasion of induced abortion and so on.

The ‘Selective Protocol of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women’ is ratified by 115 nations at the moment out of the 189 parties, but Japan has not yet done it. And therefore, the country has not set up a hotline institution on the human rights to which everyone could directly complain. There is no individual communication and complaint body on the human rights in Japan and the UN is the sole ‘entrance’ leading to a mechanism to settle disputes.

As you see, ratification of the protocol is the biggest task of women in the country. It is urgent to approve it to create an institution to which everyone could communicate and protest human rights violation when a business entity, the state and a municipality abuses the liberties.

Women in Japan hope that the government will ratify the convention so that the legal system and judiciary which neglect gender equality can be changed as it is an international norm. Commitments in eliminate discrimination against women mean to eradicate all kinds of discriminations and to defend the human rights. Women should keep fighting in the street, responding to the parliamentary procedures.

December 4, 2024