

 「3 ・11」福島原発事故から10年。原発事故に全く反省のない国は9基を再稼働させ、東電・柏崎刈羽原発を含む7基を許可、さらに11基の再稼働を目論む。命より利潤優先の国はどこに向かう。












No. 1201 Ten Years after Great Earthquakes in Tohoku Region

Ten years have passed after the nuclear catastrophe at the power plants in Fukushima. The Japanese government has never made a sincere policy review on nuclear power generation: at nine stations around the country reoperation has begun and at another seven plants resumption is authorized, including the Kashiwazaki-Kariha station operated by the Tokyo Electric Power Co. The government is planned to start operation at additional 11 power plants. Where does this country go, clinging to a profit-first policy and neglecting people’s life?


Evacuees and sufferers are witnesses of the nuclear tragedy. Meanwhile the state government is zealous to develop nuclear power generation at any cost; it repeatedly announces hollow terms like, ‘to abandon reactors after 40 years of service’ and ‘radioactive water is well managed’, blatantly shutting up voices of sufferers in the name to recover from devastation.

The authorities of Fukushima Prefecture, too, have declared to reduce ‘the number of evacuees to zero by the year 2020’. When the target looked implausible, both of the central government and the prefectural authority tried to silence voices of witnesses. This is today’s Fukushima after ten years.

Few people returned home

According to the Reconstruction Agency, the number of evacuees counted 165,000 in May 2012, approximately 50 thousand in February 2018, and 38 thousand in July 2020. The big reductions make us think as if almost 120 thousand people could have returned home safely.

Nevertheless, according to data compiled by the Headquarters for Nuclear Accident Relief Service, the number of residents increased only by 3,309 in eleven municipalities after the evacuation order had been lifted in the period from 2018 to 2019. The number of inhabitants in the year 2010, before the earthquakes, was 73,611, and it was only 13,131 in 2019 in these cities and towns.

The above-said figure of registered inhabitants includes workers involving in dissembling nuclear reactors and housing facilities. They occupy over a half in some municipalities. In other words the official figure shrinks, while a very few have returned home.

The Reconstruction Agency announced that 62 thousand people evacuated immediately after the nuclear disaster to other prefectures, which reduced to 29 thousand in July 2020, almost a half. But the number of evacuees who resettled inside the Fukushima Prefecture diminished immensely. It is because of statistical manipulation by the prefecture.

Reportedly, prefectural officials do not regard as evacuees those who relocated inside Fukushima Prefecture; people who live in the publicly-provided houses on the reconstruction plan and those who have gained their homes in Fukushima. Those who do not come back after lifting of the evacuation order are not counted in the statistics as they are classified as voluntary migrants.

Thirteen cities, towns and villages have issued the decree to let their inhabitants flee from radiation damages. The municipal offices counted the people as approximately 50 thousand. Media reports usually say in total over 40 thousand are relocated, which is underestimation.

No one can tell even today how many migrated voluntarily from the nearby zones where the coercive order was not issued.

Radiation level is concealed

A few weeks ago big earthquakes hit the Tohoku Region, registering Scale 6 of the Japanese Seismic Intensity. Many people prepared themselves again for risks of radiation. Surprisingly enough, however, the government is planned to remove 80% of the Radiation Monitoring Stations (a measuring device is set up) posted in the areas designated as a low-radiation-quantity zone by the end of Fiscal 2020. The municipal governments oppose the plan, claiming ‘keep the stations working until all the decommissioning process is over’.

Except for residential areas, decontamination works of radio-active substances have ended gradually without good results. The government tries not only to blur sufferers but also to hide radiation impact.

March 9, 2021