













No. 1206 Discrimination against Asians in US

Prejudice against Asians in the United States– this is a keenly focused matter this year. Let’s analyze its historic background and examine reasons why racial conflicts have surged. And then let’s think over how we should respond to the issue in the Japanese society.


The United States was founded through robbery of land of indigenous peoples after British settlers had immigrated. These new comers colonized the country and then won independence. Early settlers traded many blacks as slaves, using them to develop for their sake, and accepted other people of European descents, who were white, as immigrants.

Massive Chinese laborers flew in during 19th century, who were forced to work under the harsh working conditions. Meanwhile, white workers from the lower strata intensified animosity toward Chinese, thus in 1882 the US legislature enacted the Chinese Exclusion Act. Later Japanese and Korean laborers came to the US, and in 1905 was organized the Alliance of Exclusion of Asians.

Sense of superiority of the white

Since late 20th century Latinos, who are from the Central and South American regions, have vastly immigrated. Ex-President Trump built up the border walls, taking advantage of them as a political tool. Simultaneously, discrimination against blacks has been deeply rooted in the US society, which has erupted out as massive movements of BLM, or Black Lives Matter. The campaign has spread around the world beyond the US.

As you see, sense of superiority of white people underlies in racial prejudice in the US. Early settlers were proud of their vested interests; they regarded late comers would breach them. As for Latinos, since they are of Spanish origin and can be assimilated as a European derivation, but Asians are different and not well received.

For long years prejudice against Asians in the US has not caused social confrontation. It is because relatively many Asian immigrants have emerged successfully as doctors, scientists and entrepreneurs. And therefore racist incidents have not been exposed on a daily life level.

Hate crimes, however, against Asian Americans have been on the rise since last year. That could have directly come from the repetitious mentioning of Chinese virus or Wuhan virus which ex-president Trump uttered, who had stirred up economic conflicts before the pandemic.

In the background, however, we should not overlook a fact that, following Latinos, Asians quickly increase in number in the US demographic structure. In addition, economic growth speed in China and the ASEAN countries squeezes the US population.

Prejudice against Asians and Japan

Where is Japan located?

Japan fulfilled modernization earlier through the Meiji Restoration, which integrated the nation to the European domain, being separated from the rest of Asia. Japanese, despising Koreans and Chinese, who managed their modern states later, colonized Asian countries as the imperialist nation. Japanese pretended as if they had been the white in the US. Even today discriminatory consciousness stubbornly lies in the Japanese society.

What we see today in the United States is anti-Asian racism. Japanese are Asians, too. We, Japanese, must eradicate racist sense against the rest of Asian peoples. We must organize campaigns in this country, appealing ‘Discrimination, No! Stop racism against Asians’. We are Asians.

April 20, 2021