















No. 1243 Prime Minister’s Policy Speech

The 208th ordinary session of the Diet has begun. Prime Minister Kishida Fumio delivered his policy speech. The session’s most important issue is to compile a budget for fiscal 2022, incorporating critical debates on the acquisition of Japan’s military capabilities to attack enemy bases and fortification of the Southwest Islands (=Nansei Islands) as well as discussions chaired by the Deliberative Councils on the Constitution.


The speech given by the premier did not differ from what he addressed during the extraordinary session of the Diet last autumn: he repeated ‘growth under the new form of capitalism’ and stressed his poor ‘fair distribution’ measures.

A very small amount of ‘distribution’

Comparing his ‘growth’ strategies, such as ‘the plan to build up a nation of digital garden cities’, whose budget counts 4.4 trillion yen, and ‘using the My-Number Card, or the Social Security and Tax Number System, as a passport in the digitalized society, with his ‘fair distribution’ policy, the former is enthusiastically motivated, while the latter is left shabby. The latter includes ‘a tax deduction policy to business entities that raise wages for employees’, which is estranged from deficit-ridden companies, and a very tiny ‘revision of public prices’ for workers in the fields of elderly-care, nursing and child education.

As for policies to cope with the COVID-19, he praised himself, boasting of ‘the most stringent border control of the G7 nations’, while he did not review sincerely the absence of resolution for the rapid expansion of COVID-19 infection on account of the US military bases inside the country. He emphasized to arrange a system in which patients remain at home safely for medical treatment.

Concerning national security and diplomacy, he talked indirectly at the moment, until the scheduled Upper House election in July, in order not to provoke a sense of crisis. Though he spent a short time on the matters, he made a belligerent remark. Under the item of the Growth Strategy, he declared to present a bill for economic security as the major pillar of the new form of capitalism. The bill is to restrain trade with China, which business people worry about.

In the recent bilateral meeting with the leaders of Australia, the government of Japan ‘signed the Reciprocal Access Agreement to enhance security cooperation’. The accord is almost the same as the Status of Force Agreement, which represents a military alliance between the two. It needs ratification, which the opposition parties should object.

Concerning ‘enemy base attack capability’, Premier Kishida referred, too, in his speech in the extraordinary session last year and now he precisely told ‘the government will strengthen defense capabilities with a sense of speed, combining the supplementary budget with the 2022 plan’.

If the budget sums are added together, the total is the largest, 6.2 trillion yen, which is a point to be criticized and accused, too, by the opposition.

Coast Guards and Self Defense Forces (SDF) cooperate

Prime Minister confidently declared that ‘the government will bolster maritime safety by combining the Japan Coast Guards and the Maritime SDF to strengthen readiness in the Nansei Islands’. It is for the first time that Premier referred to the area in a concrete way. The mention probably comes from the 2+2 talk with the United States held earlier in January.

For amending the Constitution, the premier expressed his wish that zealous debates should be made during the current Diet session. We, from the people’s side, must watch closely a fact that the ruling parties, the Ishin and the Kokumin-Minshu demand weekly venue of the Deliberative Councils on the Constitution and ‘provisions to be amended’.

In addition, Premier Kishida referred to ‘sources of electricity’ in the context of climate change; he showed a stance in favor of ‘innovative nuclear power and nuclear fusion’ in realizing decarbonization. He braced small-sized nuclear power generators, which means development of a new type of nuclear power generation and revitalization of the industry.

January 26, 2022