










  そして多くの女性は、改姓により、仕事や日常生活での不便、アイデンティティ喪失など様々な不利益を受けてきた。 憲法を活かす選択的夫婦別姓実現は、ジェンダー平等への大切な課題である。 






No.1262 Gender-Equal Society

One of the most focused bills of the current Diet session is the one on the right that women could choose her family name at the time of marriage. The New Socialist Party has long insisted on enacting a law to approve the right to select a surname. That is to change existing gender inequality coming from the matrimonial system and to create a diverse society here in Japan.


Civil law compels married couple to use identical surname

The civil law under Article 750 specifies that a married couple should share an identical surname, either one of husband or of wife. If a pair selects husband’s family name, a female partner is obliged to change her original one. Only Japan in the world has a law to enforce a married couple to use a single surname.

The selective family name system is a measure to allow people to use either an identical family name or original family names of husband and wife separately. For this purpose, the civil code should be revised.

Enforcement is unconstitutional

Compulsion to use an identical surname violates the constitution. Under Article 13 of the constitution provided is that ‘all of the people shall be respected as individuals’; thus, everyone is assured of his/her right of personality. To coerce altering surname infringes this right. Under Article 24 of the constitution is stipulated that ‘marriage shall be based only on the mutual consent of both sexes’, and the obligation means an additional requirement for marriage, which violated the said article.

If a pair does not agree to the duty and choose common-law marriage, they cannot enjoy legitimate status as a married couple, which violates Article 14 of the constitution providing ‘equality under the law’. Coercion to have an identical surname between a husband and a wife also violates international law, such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the International Covenants on Human Rights.

Gender-oriented social order

As a result of the civil law which regulates the use of surname, as many as 95.5% of women alter their original family name to that of her husband. The fact reflects reproduction of a practice of a male-first order, which is both historic and social, that comes from the division of roles by sexes, in which the male player used to be a breadwinner.

Thus, many of women have been inflicted with disadvantages; inconveniences in her daily life and on her job as well as loss of identity.

Implementation of the selective family name system is an important task; which implies fulfillment of constitutional rights, leading to a gender-equal society.

A struggle against nationalism

Conservative, nationalist political forces, which includes Mr. Abe Shinzo, have starkly obstructed the system, criticizing that ‘it will collapse family bondage’. However, the identical family name system was introduced only in 1898, when the previous civil code was enacted with commencement of its family scheme. Before that time, practically, many people had not had a family name or the married had used their own surnames.

A politician from the Ishin=Renovation Party asserts an identical family name with an identical family registration and advocates legal assurance of daily use of a popular name. That is a mixture of nationalism and steps to respond to realities. Advantages of using a popular name are limited and certification of double names will complicate, instead, the current situation.

A demand to put the selective family name system into practice means also to fight against the nationalist forces so as to create a diverse society.

June 15, 2022