







    救済新法は、「霊感」を使った悪質な寄付勧誘を「6 類型」で禁止。寄付のために借金させるなど禁止規定に違反し、国の措置命令に従わない場合は1年以下の懲役や100万円以下の罰金など刑事罰を設けた。



      被害者問題に取り組んできた全国霊感商法対策弁護団は新法成立の12 月10日、「重大な不足点は最後まで解消されなかった」とする批判声明を発表した。




No. 1287 Law to Save Victims Suffering from Misconducts of Unification Church

The extraordinary parliamentary session ended on Saturday, closing with its shortest debates on the bill. It was rare to hold a weekend session to adopt a law. On the following day newspapers in the country reported about the legislation to save victims who were ruined by the Unification Church, or the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, with a photo of the two victims who watched developments sternly in the venue of plenary session of the House of Councilors.


At the wake of shooting at Ex-Prime Minister Abe

Criminal acts committed by the anti-social group have been concealed for decades, which was brought to light at the wake of the shooting which killed the former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo. The incident has disclosed ugly connections between the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the Church, the appalling monetary damages on the victims by being forced, with threatening tactics, to purchase goods and donate huge amounts of money to lead to serious consequences. The misconducts, however, are only a tip of iceberg.

Requests have arisen broadly across the country to enact a law in an urgent manner to save the victims, and so, the government led by Prime Minister Kishida Fumio, which is in a lame duck stage due to the drop in the approval ratings for his cabinet, has managed to legislate on the final day of the session. It had made concessions on key issues with the opposition camp as its coalition partner, the Komeito, was not cooperative.

Debates on the bill lasted only 24 hours in total in both of the two Houses, though it had taken long time to compile and agree with among the ruling and opposition parties following the decision in the Cabinet meeting. Prime Minister Kishida rejected the demand of the opposition bloc to extend the session period to hurry up its closing, because three of his ministers had been obliged to resign in a month. He feared of further accusations against the rest of his Ministers who have had something wrong in their careers.

Can the law save victims?

The new law prohibits six types of malicious solicitation for donations. When an organization compels its followers to make debts so as to donate, which violates the new law, and does not obey the order of the government, the party will be punished with penalty of imprisonment up to one year or a fine up to one million yen.

The law also allows the party’s dependent children and spouses to request the cancelation of the donations and payback of the amount, including living expenses, on their behalf through legal procedures. As for a clause on mind-control (or brain-washing) during a solicitation period, which the opposition camp had claimed to ban, the law specifies as ‘obligation to consider’.

The law is a product of compromise. Families of the victims questioned in a painful tone whether the law could save them. Can the law effectively work? The proposal to review the law in three years was altered as ‘two’, and it will be implemented in the first days of 2023. The new act must be verified and reviewed as early as possible.

The group of lawyers who had worked to save the victims of the malicious donations issued a statement on December 10, the day of legislation, disapproving that ‘the crucial points have not been cleared ultimately’.

The statement says: (1) the law is unlikely to save victim’s family effectively, (2) possibilities to save victims by the administrative measures are left opaque, (3) the application range of prohibited acts and their kinds are limited, and (4) donations to individuals are excluded from banning. In another words, the law has loopholes.

Concerning the Unification Church issue, a lot of problems remain unsettled at the moment; close connection with the ruling LDP in terms of arrangements in political cooperation, the change of naming of the Church during the term when Mr. Shimomura Hirofumi served as Minister of Education, and the practices of adoption of children among the religious supporters which contradicts the fundamental human rights.

December 21, 2022