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No. 1357 No Impact Seen of Wage Hike on Workers of Smaller Businesses

Media have hailed wage increases of workers of big companies who accomplished good results during the annual Spring Labor Offensive 2024, but more than 60% of people who were interviewed in the street answered ‘a wage hike is insufficient’. A fact is that the offensive’s results had no effect on the wages of workers in the medium-and-small business entities and that the increases do not surpass to mitigate today’s price surges.


The Rengo, or the Japan Trade Union Confederation (JATUC), issued May 16 an interim report on the Spring Labor Offensive 2024. It says that the wage hikes including a regular salary increase account \15,616 on the weighted average, which is a rise by 5.17%. As for salaries for workers of smaller companies whose employees count less than 300, the figure is \11,889, or 4.66%.

The Rengo appraises the results, saying that ‘the figures are the highest since the year 2014 in both of the amount and ratio, and that the target of a 5%-digit hike was accomplished for the first time since the year 1991. The wage increases have exceeded the price hike rates of previous years.’

Wages in real term have fallen

The Spring Offensive 2023 has brought a wage hike by 3.58% (\10,560 according to the Rengo), which was appreciated as an unprecedented surge, but the wages in real term in 2023 have declined by 2.2%, compared with the figures of 2022, according to the monthly statistical survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Welfare. The office’s study for 2024 March says wages in real term are less by 2.5% when compared with those of the same month of the previous year. This means a 24-month-long consecutive decline. It is the longest time during which workers have had less and less incomes.

Workers are attacked simultaneously by the price hikes and decreasing real wages. Higher level of salaries will be reflected after summer. And therefore, people’s livelihood becomes harder.

Poverty prevails, with social gaps expanding

The JAM, or the Japan Association of Metal, Machinery and Manufacturing Workers, which organizes medium-and-small-sized companies, says that ‘if companies were able to pass cost well through to customers, they could achieve a wage hike to the digit of \10,000, but others that could not do so, the results were lower’. According to the interviews held in the street in mid-May, over 60% of respondents said ‘wage hikes are not enough’.

Under these circumstances, the Action Committee of Irregular Workers for Spring Labor Offensive 2024 have fought going on strike, challenging a target of ‘10% wage hike’. Seventy-three percent of the respondents, however, said ‘salaries did not go up’, who answered to the questionnaires held on internet between January and the end of April. Clearly, the impact of wage surges of workers of big companies has extended only partially.

Let’s continue striving for minimum-wage hike

The government maintains its policy to reduce corporate taxes and favor with the rich; thus, export industries have gained ‘extraordinary current earnings’, accumulating their internal reserves up to \570 trillion (July 2023). The so-called government-sponsored Spring Lavor Offensive has failed as ‘the trickle-down hypotheses’ collapsed. Flattering the government will not lead to right distribution of wealth for workers nor restoration of their status. Trade unions must fight by going on strikes to conquer workers’ rights as well as wage hikes.

Incidentally, the rate of workers to participate in labor unions remains as low as 16.3%. Crucial is struggles for raising the minimum wage for non-unionized workers and casual workers as they cannot have effects of the labor offensives.

Let’s fight in the workplaces and municipalities across the country! The slogans are ‘an eight-hour work a day should bring right wages’ and ‘the minimum wage per hour be \1,500.’

June 5, 2024