













  新社会党No. 1358 Candidate for Tokyo’s Governor Election – Ms. Renho

A Tokyo-based ‘six-party opinion exchanging group’ has decided on Ms. Renho, Member of House of Councilors of the Constitutional Democratic Party (CDP), as a jointly supporting candidate of the constitutional opposition bloc to the coming Tokyo Governor’s election. In the background of the choice lie an enormous bulk of efforts to set up a unified platform of opposition political parties and civic groups. It took local representatives of the organizations five years to attain the shared basis of reliance through debates.


Election directly links to state’s politics

Tokyo, the Capital City, will have a governor’s election, balloting on July 7, with election campaign beginning on June 20.

The city has 14.17 million of population and a budget of \8 trillion & 453 billion in its general account (in total \16.6 trillion, if the special account and the accounts from the municipal business sector are included).

Politics in Tokyo is not limited to impacting on the state’s level politics and on local governments in the country; Ms. Renho mentions that ‘we must put an end to the Tokyo’s political direction led by Governor Koike Yuriko who follows the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). A switch in Tokyo will straightly link to the government of national level.’

In anyway, we must let Candidate Renho win governorship, who is nominated by the opposition bloc.

Citizens’ joint efforts have prompted her decision to run

A candidate selection committee has had consultation meetings five times before it reached the final conclusion. The organizers of the committee include Mr. Maekawa Kihei, Mr. Utsunomiya Kenji, Ms. Hama Noriko, Mr. Fukuyama Shingo, and Ms. Hishiyama Nahoko. And belong to it representatives of the six political parties on the local level of Tokyo (the CDP, the Communist Party, the Social-Democratic Party, the Greens-Japan, the Tokyo Residents Network Party and the New Socialist Party) as well as civic groups.

Under the Selection Committee established is the Policy Department, which has chaired three meetings to discuss political affairs. Eventually, as many as 400 items were proposed on ‘problems in Governor Koike’s politics’ as well as ‘political advice’ was provided by the respective organizations. The New Socialist Party, too, presented 41 items of policies, most of which are incorporated.

Its bottom-up scheme has not only properly absorbed voices of people to reflect them in the policies, but also encouraged aspirations of campaigners in the election.

Such accumulated efforts and the recent election victory of Candidate Sakai Natsumi (CDP) in the by-election has undoubtedly led Ms. Renho to making the decision to run; the former was a jointly coordinated candidate of the opposition bloc for the Tokyo’s No.15 Constituency of the House of Representatives election. She has made a crushing defeat on the side of the candidate whom Governor Koike supported.

Tokyo’s politics must be put under control of residents

The NSP has presented its political advice in the meetings, many of which are shared in common by other political and civic entities.

They are;
  1. To construct more public apartments, like Tokyo Municipal Housing Units whose rent is low,
  2. To reduce insurance premiums for health and elderly care services,
  3. To review the development plans of parks, such as the Jingu-Gaien Park, in which developers make profits, and at the same time to preserve environment, protecting trees and plants,
  4. To increase the number of regularly-employed workers, while to reduce workers with irregular status against his/her will, and to establish rules to conclude official contracts,
  5. To increase public funding to subsidize school lunches at elementary and junior high schools up to full coverage and on the permanent basis,
  6. To carry out the free tuition fee service for high schools without any discrimination, covering Korean High Schools for residents in Japan,
  7. To stop dangerous low-altitude flights over the central Tokyo area, and
  8. To oppose bidding casinos in Tokyo

The NSP will fight to change politics of Tokyo with all its strength, appealing these policies during the election campaign.

June 12, 2024