
















No. 1359 Bill to Revise Political Fund Control Act

A bill to revise the current Political Fund Control Act passed the House of Representatives and now it is put on debates in the House of Councilors. It was presented by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) after the coalition partner, the Komeito, and one more party, the Ishin (=the Renovation Party) jointly arranged. But it has many loopholes, leaving the existing mechanism intact, allowing plutocracy. The government tries to close the scandal. Don’t let the administration to shut down the off-the-book money disgrace.


The above-mentioned bill is debated in the Upper House following the Lower House’s approval, but any right account is presented to the questions raised by the opposition bloc. Many of the outstanding issues are put on the shelf for future discussions. The ruling bloc of the LDP and the Komeito as well as the Ishin is reluctant to disclose truths, disregarding people’s indignation and maintaining an arrogant stance.

Ruling bloc legitimizes the status quo

The bill well preserves the fraudulent structural practices over money which have caused people’s distrust in politics; tax evasions on slush funds, sales of rip-off party tickets and off-the-book expenses in political activities on one hand, and, on the other, reception of grants to political parties. The parliament debates have not produced clearances that people had demanded, but legitimized the misconducts.

The issue of politics and money had emerged from late 1980s and to early 1990s, and it was settled in 1994 through the revision of the Political Fund Control Act and the enactment of the Political Party Subsidy Act. But the former had a fatal defect, which has led to the deeds today.

The LDP, the government party for long time, has two resource channels; donations from companies and affiliated entities on one hand and, on the other, tax money through the Political Party Subsidy Act. It has gained an overwhelming majority in the number of parliamentary seats by using its powerful financial ability, helped by the small-constituency election system.

The LDP, thanks to these significant conditions, has engaged in autocratic political maneuvers; it has talked black into white and made unilateral decisions in the Cabinet without debates in the Diet. Big businesses and the financial circle, who can afford to make enough contributions, have enforced administrations to recede from social benefit spending, de-regulate employment conditions and cut wages. Thus, the working population has fallen into poverty. The financial sector has been kept benefitted from their desired economic and tax policies by purchasing politics with money.  

Therefore, many people expected the ‘reform’ on political funds, seeing it as a touchstone whether politics may be changed. They hoped the roots of dissatisfactions may be eradicated as wealth lies in the bloc of big businesses and rich people, meanwhile more people become poor.

The outcome of parliamentary debates, however, has disappointed people; it has ended in a way how to sum up purchases of party tickets on the book. The bill was supported by the Komeito with involvement of the Ishin.

Consequently, the concept was overlooked: prohibition is absent of donations from companies and affiliated associations as well as purchases of party tickets by these entities.

Disclosure of financial report – after ten-year lapse

As for a collective responsibility system, the bill specifies that MP himself/herself shall issue a confirmation letter to the revenue and expenditure report on political fund, providing that lawmakers shall be deprived of the civil right if such a report does not state correctly. But a problem remains whether the article is well observed.

As for a political activities fund, the bill does not abolish it at all, saying that receipts shall be disclosed after a ten-year lapse, just obliging political parties to report certain spendings from an item to item. Even if problems are found ten years later, the period of prescription runs out for official litigation. That is dodge.

In the Upper House the Communist Party has presented an alternative bill. We expect sincere debates without sparing time, but voters must remove the current government, if that is not successful.

June 19, 2024