
















No. 1360 Tax Reduction Policy –Flattering the Electorate

The Kishida government implements this month June a tax reduction policy, a temporary step to cut a fixed sum from the taxable incomes of individual tax payers. Personnel in charge of accounting of municipalities and business entities are now extremely busy with intricate administrative jobs. The government apparently tries to win people’s backing through the benefits, and simultaneously requests descriptions of the reduced tax amounts in the individual employees’ salary statements. The administration is palpably arrogant.


The tax reduction step is taken in June only for a month; a decrease by in total \40,000, which comprises \30 thousand for the income tax and \10 thousand for the resident tax. Initially, a benefit payment was proposed on the ground that the measure does not work immediately and efficiently, but, after several times of alternations, finally, the government has reached this conclusion.

Complicated administrative jobs

As you see on the SNS, people are complaining about the complicated accounting procedures, busy with a fabulous volume of administrative jobs. Some doubt people can understand the step accurately.

For instance, if a person’s reduced tax amount is higher than his/her original taxable income, he/she will receive ‘an arranged sum of benefit’. As the calculation is based on the ‘estimated values’, if a person earns changing salaries from month to month, he/she will have additional benefits later when his/her total income is fixed, and so on. Personnel in charge of tax calculations are very busy as the accounting system must be renovated.

Description of reduced tax sum

Prime Minister Kishida Fumio told that ‘it is vital for people to know exactly about the paybacks carried out by the government (amid price-hikes)’ and that ‘it is necessary to write the sum down in the salary statement’. In addition, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi Yoshimasa replied to a question, ‘will the government punish business entities that does not reflect this policy on the employees’ salaries?’, saying that ‘such a practice may violate the Labor Standard Act’.

The cabinet secretary told that ‘absence of reflection of the policy on employees’ salaries is violation of the law’. Let’s look at realities. If one oversteps the Act, he/she will be punished by fines or incarceration. This tax policy is temporary, but accounting staff must rearrange the calculating system and engage in massive relevant procedures. Incidentally, the policy aims to gain people’s favor to the government.

This tax reduction scheme is complex. Jobs are numerous. The premier told to show figures of the increased salary so that individuals can really feel the ‘hike’. But burdens are heavy on accounting personnel. They say that ‘we work on Saturdays and Sundays’ and that ‘some are fatigued’.

It is time to reduce consumption tax rate!

The government decided to increase tax rates for incomes and tabaco purchases last December, which accounts 1 trillion yen, to secure the surge in the defense budget. During this fiscal the surplus reserve money is being spent, but from the 2025 fiscal, taxes will rise. To cope with the issue of decreasing child births, the government has already approved a law to cover the necessary expenses by surging taxes; part of the budget amounting 1 trillion yen will be brought from the higher health insurance premiums.

If the Kishida government wants to help people to respond to the higher prices, two ways are available; one is to suspend collecting the consumption tax, which directly works to reduce prices, and the other is drop the tax alleviation rates to zero percent. These are the most efficient ways to get down prices, and the administrative procedures are simpler.

However, keeping an adamant stance, Premier Kishida told ‘not to lower the consumption tax rate’. On the SNS, he is called ‘a liar with glasses’, which fits the mold.

June 26, 2024