
















No. 1368 Japan Encounters Many Natural Disasters

Big earthquakes hit the Noto Peninsula region on the first day of the year 2024. The initial response to rescue operation delayed. On August 8 announced a government’s order, ‘the Nankai Trough Earthquake Emergency Information’. September 1 is observed as the Disaster Prevention Day every year. Let’s think over disaster management organizations.


It is said that the Japanese archipelagos face an active stage of earthquakes. Calamities from big earthquakes are anticipated, like ones of the Nankai Megathrust Earthquake. Natural catastrophes come frequently in the rest of the world, too, due to irregular climate changes, causing loss of people’s lives.

In what situation Japan lies?

In the earthquakes in the Noto region, they say ‘the roads were completely damaged, many ports were unusable due to seabed rising and broken harbors and sea-bound routes hardly worked’.

According to the Verification Report issued by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police (August 1), ‘on January 2 small-sized vehicles arrived at the disaster-hit areas, but the heavy-duty cars with equipment for contingency operations could not work until January 4 at the site.’

It continues to say that ‘the Metropolitan Police had had information of road disruptions, but it took a certain amount of time to find out to identify routes as an administrative structure was absent to integrate information.’ This is a reality today in this country.

Establish a professional disaster-response organization

Staff from the Self Defense Forces (SDF) are mobilized at the moment in the disaster areas. But the SDF is primarily combat troops and cannot work as the key in the disaster-response operations. In 1995 big earthquakes attacked the Hanshin and Awaji region. A lesson learnt from the incident was necessity of urgent rescue operations by teams which could assist the SDF’s members. In the same year an organization was set up, ‘National Fire Service Team for Disaster Response’.

In April 2004 this unit was formally incorporated into the fire service department, and since then it has been mobilized by instructions or requests from Director of the Fire and Disaster Management Department (FDMA) to large-scale disaster areas and special catastrophe zones. The number of staff to be recruited was increased up to around 6,600 by the end of fiscal 2023. Nationwide joint drills are held once in a few years.

But the current FDMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is an independent bureau of the ministry; it has no direct local branches in charge of planning and projecting fire and disaster operations, enacting laws and establishing standards, and giving guidance and advice. Under the circumstances the FDMA cannot commit in integrating police, SDF and contingency medical teams into a comprehensive rapid deployment service unit.

Foreign countries have Ministry

For instance, the United States has the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Italy has the Civil Protection Department. These two bodies protect lives of people and have two offices, one is in charge of immediate rehabilitation of livelihood and the other, actual operational services to rescue victims from the calamity. Japan needs, too, a professional unit in the police and municipal fire service departments to cope with emergencies.

We propose here a plan; to set up ‘ministry of disaster management’ on the basis of the FDMA, to station seven district centers (branches) under its geographical jurisdiction across the country, to combine the ‘international contingency rescue teams’, which are mobilized at contingencies, with the existing professional organizations to extend actual services for the people in preventing and managing natural disasters.’

August 28, 2024