










      焦しょう眉び の課題は、密集する住宅地の真ん中にある普天間飛行場の速やかな危険除去だったはずだ。だが、辺野古新基地を巡る国と沖縄県の深刻な対立にすり替わってしまった。目指す目的が置き去りにされ、辺野古にも普天間にも巨額の国費が投じられるという不合理な事態となっている。 




No. 1371 Construction Work Started in Oura Bay, Okinawa

The Okinawa Defense Bureau has started a construction work at Oura Bay, Henoko. The office has insisted that a new military base is indispensable in Henoko, Nago City, as an alternative facility of the US Futenma Air Station, located in Ginowan City, to be relocated by the bilateral agreement. This work is the first, following the change in the original design due to the soft seabed found in the area.


The Ministry of Defense demanded Okinawa Prefecture in 2022 to change the construction work plan as the seabed at the site was found to be soft around Oura Bay. Governor Tamaki Denny had not approved the ministry’s order and the prefecture fought in the lawsuit, which has ended in a loss on the side of Okinawa. In December 2023 the state government accepted the Ministry’s decision to ‘represent’ the Okinawa’s authority by proxy. ‘Proxy on behalf of a municipal government’ means deviance from the rules on autonomy provided by the Constitution: a party who conducts the construction work represents the municipal government which has received the legally designated job.

Futenma Air Station may continue to work

The Okinawa Defense Bureau, according to reports, will drive over 70 thousand piles into the ground to solidify the soft seabed. It extends approximately 90 meters down from the water surface at the deepest point. The Ministry explains that the construction work is all right if seventy meters of the depth below the surface is consolidated. But experts point out risks, saying that the ground will, highly possibly, sink even after completion.

Governor Tamaki demanded an immediate suspension of the construction job, harshly criticizing that ‘it is deplorable as the work was launched unilaterally, even though prior consultation meetings are not yet held on the works.’

In November 2023 the US military authority held a press meeting to explain on the new base in Henoko. The officer told that ‘the completion will be around 2037 at the earliest’, calling ‘relocation to Henoko the worst scenario’. He added that ‘from a military point of view continuing to use Futenma Station is better’ (dated August 13, 2024, the Tokyo Shinbun newspaper).

Incidentally, it is reported that another 20 billion yen is allocated to the repairing job at the Futenma Air Station though it will be closed.

Originally, the most acute issue was to immediately eliminate dangers coming from the air station as it is situated in the center of densely populated area. This point, however, has been evolved to severe antagonism between the state’s government, which advocates the US new base, and the Okinawa’s authority. The objective has been totally ignored, left behind. Meanwhile, an enormous sum of the state’s money is spent both on the works at Henoko and Futenma. That is unreasonable.

Overthrow the coalition government of LDP and the Komeito!

The coalition government does not commit properly at all in serious environmental impacts deriving from the new military facility, the growing amount of money for the construction works, the soft seabed indicating dead end of the works, and the Okinawan people’s explicit will of ‘No!’ which was shown in the prefectural referendum.

Furthermore, the central government is not reluctant to use earth and sand from the southern region of the Okinawa Island for land reclamation. The material contains bones of the dead fallen during the battle of Okinawa in the WWII. The government desecrates the victims once again.

Such official injustice cannot be left intact. A film, ‘the Ikusagumo (=War is Raging), directed Mikami Chie, tells viewers that ‘we must not be onlookers as we ourselves are witnesses, being responsible for history’.

September 18, 2024