













No. 1191 Recollections over 2020

The year was full of ‘What?’: disastrous consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and resignation of Abe Shinzo from premiership and the succeeding administration’s repeating of the policy, ‘profit-first rather than people’s life’. Meanwhile, in the United States President Trump was defeated in the election. As is seen in a series of judiciary decisions against nuclear power generation, we have a hope.


In the beginning of the year I read a small article in the newspaper on a fuss about a certain virus which took place beyond the border of country. I could not even anticipate then the incident would develop to a today’s size. I made wrong judgment that the trouble could be controlled in the same way as Ebola and HIV, maybe because I did not study much about infection.

Holding the Olympic Games?

I learned that Covid-19 is horrible, which is fairly different from other conventional contagious diseases, when I knew that patients without symptoms and with mild symptoms infect others. And then, I was overwhelmed by the deteriorated societal realities that have stemmed from the rounds of neo-liberal policies imposed, which are completely vulnerable to the pandemic. In the US under the Trump administration and in Japan under the Abe-Suga regimes, in particular, transmission of the disease spreads, as if fuel were thrown on a fire, in parallel with the policies taken. People here will suffer in the coming year, too, and will not welcome the Olympics.

The Covid-19 will end someday, but another virus may attack us. Unless peoples in the world implement fundamental policies as well as make a sincere review on destruction of ecological balance, climate change and a decline in anti-body titer in human bodies, it is transparently obvious natural disasters will hit the mankind one after another. I will watch how the humankind will overcome adversities with wisdom accumulated.

Political evils

The Abe government has collapsed. Though the rollover was due to the exposed scandals and political evils, it was astonishingly effortless. The successor is Prime Minister Suga, who has blatantly clung to a policy to spread infection across the country with tax money, the so-called Go-To-Campaign; he did not make a right explanation but sent a sly look at people. He is peculiar, as he steadily acts in a malicious way, though a top leader will justify his credo when he commits harmful acts. His popularity has plunged rapidly due to his unpopular steps, while opposition constitutional parties do not raise a support rate. We have to think why and prepare well for the general elections to come in 2021.

People’s struggles lead to a hope

I applaud US voters who defeated Trump in the election. A Biden government will face many difficulties, while leftist movements affiliated to Sanders gain impetus both inside and outside the Democratic Party. Clashes with the Trump-rightist forces will be intensified, but they are mundane events, which represents democracy. The US society looks far more hopeful than that of Japan, which is tainted by stagnant drain and asphyxiated with imposition of an idea of self-responsibility.

Civic movements bring us a hope here, too. In January the Hiroshima High Court ruled ‘suspension of operation at the Ikata Nuclear Power Plant’, a few months later the Sendai High Court supported the First Round Litigation of Refugees of the Fukushima Plant Disaster and another relevant file on retrieving original jobs, and in December, the Osaka District Court ruled cancellation of the permission to construct a nuclear station at Ooi, Fukui Prefecture. These rulings will hinder political offense of the Suga government which urges re-operation at the suspended power stations and build new plants.

December 22, 2020