
平和運動の正念場だ 安保3文書改定で大軍拡








    これは「台湾有事」を想定し、米軍の作戦と一体化した自衛隊の存在だ。そのため、日本は防衛費を5年間でNATO並みのGDP比2%(11兆円) に増額、 23年度からの5年間で総額43兆1千億円を予定する。その財源は増税であり、国民の血税だ。

   すでに、対中国戦を想定し南西諸島を中心に11月10日から19日の間、日米共同統合演習( 実動演習)「キーン・ソード23」が行われ、自衛隊2万6千人、米軍1万人、それに豪英加軍が参加した。






No. 1285 Revisions in Security Documents Lead to Military Expansion

The government’s panel, the ‘council of experts’, has proposed acquiring capabilities to attack enemy military bases. The Cabinet is to make a decision by the end of December in their office on full revision of the three documents on national security, which includes removal of the principle of exclusively defensive stance. We face a critical situation in which we must stage again massive protest campaigns which we staged in 2015 when the laws to justify wars were enacted.


The proposal from the ‘council of experts who make comprehensive analysis in defense capabilities as the state’s strength’ defines consolidation of defense ability as a task of whole people of Japan. It says that ‘our country should be defended by ourselves with firm consciousness’, requesting people to raise their conscious mind and to owe the increased costs of the defense budget.

The core of the advice lies in possession of capabilities to hit enemy’s bases and arrangement of comprehensive national security preparedness across the nation. The council also recommends integrating the three units of the Self Defense Forces (SDF) to establish the joint headquarters.

The Kishida government is intended to compile three new documents on national security, relying on the council’s guidance, by late December to authorize in the Cabinet. Wide-ranging revisions will be made in the three documents; they are the National Security Strategy, the National Defense Program Guidelines and the Mid-Term National Defense Program.

Financial sources are taxes to be increased

The overhauling is a kind response of the Japanese government to the request from the US military which seeks for ‘integrated deterrence’ on the premise that China is a challenger= a potential adversary.

The US’s integrated deterrence is to build up walls with offensive missile networks to be operated by the US-Japan forces in the region from Amami-Oshima Island of Kagoshima Prefecture to Miyakojima Island and Ishigakijima Island of Okinawa Prefecture, extending through Taiwan to the South China Sea. This is their ‘first archipelago line’ to counter China.  

This strategy simulates Taiwan emergency to incorporate the SDF in the US operations. For this purpose, the government is planned to spend 2% of the GDP, amounting \11 trillion, in five years on its defense budget in the same way as NATO members. The total sum is estimated as \43.1 trillion for five years, starting from the fiscal 2023. Its sources come from taxes to be increased, or a heavier burden of people.

Presuming already a possible war with China, for 19 days beginning on November 10, the US-Japan joint military maneuver, Keen Sward 23, was held around the island area of south-west region of Japan with participation of 26,000 troops of the SDF and 10 thousand of the US units. Troops of Australia, United Kingdom and Canada joined the exercise.

Capabilities to attack enemy bases

The core of the capabilities to rush at enemy bases lies in possession of stand-off missiles. The government has a program to lengthen the range of the domestic-made 12-type surface-to-sea guided missiles to 1,000 km and manufacture 1,500 units of them for possession in ten years to come. At the moment it seeks to procure US-made Tomahawk cruise missiles with the range of 1,650 km which can make pin-point attacks.

The aim is to assault bases and commanding facilities of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and China, if the Japanese authority recognizes that they should begin preparing to aggress the island nation. This means violation of the United Nations Charter which prohibits a pre-emptive strike, and it is renunciation of the rule of exclusively defensive stance which the Japanese administrations have maintained up to today.

The Kishida government is to authorize the dangerous shift in the security policy among the Cabinet members. The extensive military build-up jeopardizes peace. Peace movements here face a critical phase. We must organize again mass campaigns which we staged in 2015 when the government coercively legislated laws to wage external wars.

December 7, 2022