







  また、世界30 カ国以上がこの日を祝日としている。全国の自治体では、女性センターなどで創意工夫をこらした行事が取り組まれ、男性の積極的な参加を求めている。




  いまだに家父長制的な思考から脱却できず、性的少数者や、同性婚、選択的夫婦別姓などの制度化も、日本会議や旧統一教会などの影響を強く受けている自民党の反対で進まず、国際的にも大きく遅れを取っている。 新社会党は、すべての人が経済的に独立し、いのちと生活を犠牲にせず生きられる社会の実現にむけ、国内外の女性と結んで闘う決意だ。


No. 1298 March 8 – International Women’s Day

The United Nations stipulated March 8 as the International Women’s Day in 1975, and since then Secretary General of the organization is to send a message to all members every year, calling for arranging conditions to assure women’s social participation in full and equal terms.


In 1904 female workers, who had not yet the right to vote, held demonstrations in New York City, the United States, to demand improvement of working conditions.

Inspired by the actions, a German socialist Clara Zetkin proposed to establish a day to celebrate women’s political freedom and equality. She presented the idea in the meeting organized by the International Socialist Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1910. The annual event began to be organized in Europe, which has extended to the rest of the world.

Japan commemorates 100th anniversary

The first women’s rally was held in Japan on March 8 in 1923 organized by the Sekirankai, or the Red Wave Society, the first socialist feminist group. This year celebrates precisely the 100th anniversary.

In these years we see a habit in which men hand over a small gift to women on the day, who have close ties with them in the daily life (friends, mothers, sweethearts, daughters and colleagues). In Italy men give a bunch of mimosas. The custom has reached Japan, too.

More than 30 countries in the world people celebrate March 8 as a holiday. In Japan many municipalities hold a creative, celebration event in the Women’s Center halls. These centers call for active participation of men.

Japan has a century of history to have a rally to celebrate the International Women’s Day, but, in the year 2020, the gender gap of the country ranks in the 116th place among the 146 countries. Gender equality has not been completed here in the country. In particular, female lawmakers occupy a very low percentage in the political life and few women have a manager’s position in the workplaces.

Recently the Bank of Japan replaced its president, but no women were nominated as President or Vice President. This fact clearly reflects lack of viewpoint on the gender balance.

Paternalism still prevails extensively

Concerning salaries of female workers, they receive 70% of those of male colleagues in the group of regularly employed workers. If the wages for the group of irregular workers is added, the ratio goes down to 50%, which records the lowest third place among the OECD nations. This is disgraceful. Many women workers are engaged in the fields of the child nursing and the elderly care. Such jobs are regarded as an extension of household chores and the workers are paid low wages.

Even today thinking based on patriarchy prevails broadly here. Concerning sexual minorities, same-sex marriage and an optional separate surname for a married couple, the systems are illegitimate and are not improved due to opposition by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, which is ideologically reigned by such rightist organizations as the Japan Conference and the Unification Church. This has led to the huge retardation, compared with other countries in the world.

The New Socialist Party is determined to fight to create a society in which all people can be economically independent and can live on without sacrificing livelihood and lives, being in solidarity with women both inside and outside of the country.

March 8, 2023