







     その案の緊急事態の定義は、「①武力攻撃、② 内乱・テロ、③大規模自然災害、④感染症の蔓延、⑤これらに匹敵する事態」で、自民党案とほぼ同一。 









No. 1308 Dangerous Phase of Constitution Amendment Drive

More than two-thirds of the parliament’s seats are occupied by lawmakers who want to rewrite the Constitution. The Constitution Panel of the House of the Representatives, in particular, commits actively in parliamentary arrangements required to present to the Diet bills for the purpose. The Ishin (=Japan Innovation Party) and the Kokumin (=Democratic Party for the People) have already compiled a draft text for articles. The ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) is preparing for a new, fourth clause to be revised.


The parliament now sees over two-thirds of seats taken by the advocates of altering constitution in both Houses after the elections in 2021 for the House of Representatives and in 2022 for the House of Councilors.

Consequently, the constitution panel of the Lower House, specifically, ignoring the Nakayama method, a tacit agreement accepted by both of ruling and opposition parties in the Diet on management of meetings, holds consultations on a regular basis: the House of Representatives had 24 meetings last year, which is the largest number, and 10 by early May this year. As for the Upper House, it had 12 last year and has four this year. Comparing with the figures of the Lower House with those of the Upper House, they are as twice as many.

The first job – lawmakers’ longer term of service

In order to make a breakthrough in the processes, the LDP, whose primary mission lies in amending the war-renouncing constitution, has taken a series of tactics to come first a plan to ‘extend lawmakers’ term of office’; it is because the step consists of part of the controversial clause on national security emergency. The LDP considers it hard to directly change Article Nine of the constitution, which prohibits a war as a means to settle international conflicts, and to introduce a clause on the said contingency when the Cabinet shall be entrusted with full authority. With regard to these two issues, not only people but also the Diet will not easily approve.

The Ishin and the Kokumin go parallel with the LDP fervently in competition. Their draft text symbolizes the fact, which was agreed upon late March by the two political parties and a group of rightwing legislators on extending legislators’ term of office.

The text defines national emergencies as:
  1. An armed attack,
  2. Internal riots and terrorist acts,
  3. Large-scale natural disasters,
  4. Spread of infectious diseases,
  5. Other incidences similar to those phenomena

The contents are almost identical with that of the LDP.

The LDP welcomes the version, intended to request them more: to reach an agreement on the core issue, which is full authority of the Cabinet to issue government’s orders and to make financial decisions to cope with such contingencies.

Furthermore, the LDP and the Ishin are ready to demand the Diet to discuss the national emergency issue together with the Self Defense Forces (SDF) of Japan; they have prepared bills to insert ‘a clause on national defense’ and to ‘describe the SDF definitely’. These moves undermine Article Nine. A more dangerous phase has emerged.

Power to halt the legislature’s drive

Discrepancies are seen from one political party to another at the moment in terms of requirements to extend lawmakers’ term of office. Delicate differences are also found in the attitudes in both of the Houses between the Constitutional Democratic Party (CDP), the second-biggest opposition party, and the Komei, a coalition partner. The Komei keeps a dissimilar stance from the LDP on the emergency orders and description of the SDF.

The government, considering impacts on a referendum, cannot easily discount the CDP, which requests to rectify important errors found in the Referendum Act, or overlook the Communist Party and the Social-Democratic Party, which criticize the administration for the policies which violate the constitution.

Meanwhile, in several opinion polls held recently, many are proven to be in favor of constitution amendment in general, but as far as Article Nine and a clause on national contingency are concerned, many still remain against as these passages pose dangers to people. According to a survey conducted by the Mainichi Shinbun newspaper in April, the number of those against amendment during office of the Kishida government exceeded that of those in favor.

Some of the politicians were not elected on the ground to ‘amend the constitution’, and so their basis is not perfectly solid. Power to break through the ambitions of pro-amendment forces lies in movements of many people with organized voices to seek for ‘a society where we can live in peace and humanely’.

Many 24, 2023