
破綻明らか 即刻廃止せよ


     「マイナ混乱 底なし」、ある新聞の1面トップ見出しだ。マイナンバー関連法改悪後も、マイナカードを巡るトラブルが続出。政府は制度堅持と居直るが、破綻は明らか。ご破算にすべきだ。










 「マイナンバー 透けて見える 徴兵制」という川柳を見たが、国民総背番号制度は国が数十年の歳月をかけ、執念深く進めてきた。 




No. 1313 My-Number ID Card Plan Has Failed

A major newspaper recently put a headline on its first page, which says ‘endless confusions on My-Number ID Card Plan’. Troubles have been found massively in succession even after modifications of the related laws. The Kishida government, however, maintains to advance the new ID policy, but the project itself has been utterly botched. It should be withdrawn.


The government advises ‘simplifying administrative procedures’ by way of the My-Number Card plan, or a 12-digit ID number system for every resident in Japan, but, apparently enough, frequent mishaps have taken place despite the official intension.

For instance, over 130 thousand errors have been detected in the bank account payments by which recipients are to have official benefits: it is because the bank account number was registered in the new ID system through the name of family members. Furthermore, over 700 cases were unveiled as mistakes in which one’s bank account number was incorrectly linked to another person. Some of the pension payments records were open publicly on the website of the new code plan.

Healthcare system may collapse

The most serious concern at the moment lies in the healthcare certificate; the government will abolish the current certificate system next autumn to be incorporated into the new ID system. According to a report on the survey conducted by the Japanese Medical and Dental Practitioners for the Improvement of Medical Care (Hodanren), over 700 cases were found in which patients were required to pay 100% of the cost of treatment given because the new ID card does not work properly. They had applied for integration of their healthcare certificate to the new ID card.

Thus, some people refrained from medical consultation in order to evade a full payment. Thus, many people worry about that new ID system may break down the current healthcare program.

The last parliament session revised a law by which the existing healthcare certificate program will be integrated into the new ID system. The government has reiterated that ‘registration to the new code will remain arbitrary as does today and obtention of a new ID card is not obligatory’. But, practically enough, abolition of the today’s healthcare certificate will urge everyone to apply for a new one. It is coercion.

The new ID system was, at the initial period, to limit to measures on tax, social security and natural disasters for fair administrative services. In fact, however, what the officials have said is far from what they have done. Nobody can trust the administration.

Tricks are employed

Digitalization of administrative jobs aims primarily to control and use personal information. Officials will link personal data kept at hand to bank accounts and unify the healthcare system with the new ID plan to pile up individual’s data. In other words, every person is detailed by the state’s power through a single cryptogram.

A Senryu, a traditional Japanese mocking, rhythmical poem, says ‘a draft system is seen through the plastic card’. The state of Japan has persistently spent decades of time in developing recording techniques to list up people discretely in a numerical code.

When reviewing the today’s practices, like the State’s Secrets Protection Act, the series of laws on National Security, crimes on conspiracy, the Act to Regulate Important Land Areas and state’s effort to acquire counteroffensive military might, and etc., Japan, as a state, is preparing for a war. And therefore, ‘conscription’ is not just a fictitious plan. We live in such an era.

The authorities have elaborately used carrots-and-sticks tactics to extend the My-Number ID Card plan by giving cash-points and merging the healthcare system into the new, code system. The government contradicts constitutionalism and democracy with dirty tricks, legislating to challenge the rule of law; the current arbitrary application for a new ID Card will be overturned.

The My-Number ID Card plan must be abolished immediately.

July 5, 2023