






  国際人道法では戦時下でも子どもは特別の保護を与えられると規定するが、イスラエル軍の無差別攻撃にさらされ、殺されている。国連パレスチナ難民救済事業機関( U N R WA)のラザリーニ事務局長は10月30日、安保理事会で「3週間で約3200人の子どもが殺された」と指摘し、イスラエルを非難した。 








No. 1331 Foreign Minister’s Ceremonial Visits to Middle East Nations

The United Nations General Assembly adopted recently a resolution calling for ‘humanitarian truce’ in the Gaza Strip. But the Israeli side will not stop attacks on the area. The fact is harshly criticized as violation of the international human rights laws, being defined as a war crime.  


Condemnations for violation of human rights laws

The Israel military air-raided November 11 the refugee camp at Jabalia, Gaza, over which the United Nations Office of High Commissioner for Refugees expressed severe concerns, stating that ‘the act could constitute a war crime’.

UN Secretary-General Guterres mentioned October 24 in the Security Council meeting, accusing the Israeli blockade and attacks against Gaza, that he deeply worries about the apparent violation of the international laws on the human rights. He explicitly acknowledged that the humanitarian crises have been aggravating seriously in Gaza.

The international humanitarian laws state that, even in the wartime, children shall be protected with special attention, but those in Gaza now are exposed to the indiscriminate bombings by the Israeli troops to be killed. Commissioner General Philippe Lazarrini of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestine Refugees told that ‘approximately 3,200 children have been killed for the past three weeks’ in the UNSC meeting October 30, condemning Israel.

Obvious and open terrorism of state

Prime Minister Netanyahu, never caring about criticisms from the international organizations for terrorism of his nation, declares to annihilate the Hamas group and commits openly in genocide. On October 27 the government ordered the ground forces to invade in Gaza. The Israeli authority has, reportedly, a plan to expel the 2.1 million residents to Egypt.

On the following day of the ground attack High Commissioner Volker Turk of the UNHCR convicted Israel, saying that ‘violence and pains have been escalated to a new level’. He continued to say that communication is disrupted between Gaza and the outside world due to the attacks and no message is transmitted from Gaza.

Under the circumstances Foreign Minister Kamikawa Yoko visited Israel, Jordan and Palestine during November 2 and 5, conveying a message to Israel and Palestine ‘to cease battles transitionally for a humanitarian purpose’ and ‘to build conditions in which humanitarian assistance activities may be carried out’.

Diplomacy based on Constitution should be implemented

However, the foreign minister did not refer to Israel which blocks Gaza and repeats attacks against Palestinian people, while totally ignoring the human rights of Palestinians though she has directly accused the terrorist acts by Hamas. The Japanese government has just, at best, requested the conflicting parties to behave in accordance with the international norms. The recent FM’s visit represents performance for the sake of appearance. 

The Preamble of Constitution states: ‘We desire to occupy an honored place in an international society striving for the preservation of peace, and the banishment of tyranny and slavery, oppression and intolerance for all time from the earth. We recognize that all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want.’ The Japanese government, however, does not show its commitments to carry out constitutional diplomacy.

November 15, 2023