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The Kishida government approved June 21 in his Cabinet the policy on economic and fiscal management as a third-round version for the fiscal 2024. Every one of the opinion surveys conducted recently shows sluggish people’s support of the government, lingering below 20%. Rates of not-supporting the administration significantly exceed the opposites. An end of the Kishida government is simply estimated.


Minimum wage must be \1,500

The Cabinet decided on the Basic Policy on Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform 2024. It largely works to formulate the next fiscal’s budget plans, giving short-and-intermediary-term directions of economy and finance of the nation.

The sub-title of the policy is ‘Realization of Growth-driving Economic Model led by Wage Hikes and Investment Efforts’, presenting a sustainable wage increase plan as its initial step. Contrary to the idea, however, real wages of workers have been falling for two consecutive years. The situation is far from the estimation that recovery in demands could help the economy to grow.

A vital point lies in a hike of the minimum wage, but the policy simply provides a target, without enthusiasm, of \1,500 per hour nationwide as a goal to attain in ten years. A growth-driven economic model is nothing but a daydream.

Potential growth rate is sedentary

The 2024 economic and fiscal guidelines are characterized by reference to the ‘potential economic growth’. The policy says, in a heavily crisis-ridden manner, that ‘the potential growth rate could be weak for long, marking zero percent’, seeing that the population will decrease rapidly in the decade of 2030.

The potential growth rate represents a basis of the nation’s economic capabilities. In Japan it has recorded around 3-4% in the decade of 1980 and 0.6% today. A phase of zero percent growth or minus growth is approaching. The biggest element lies in the structural reductions in the labor force and the volume of working population available that come from the trend of less births of children and longevity of senior citizens.

Immediate steps to alleviate the lowering potential economic growth rate include surging participation of female labor force; by way of distinctively improving working conditions, revising laws to correct the gender-biased wage gaps and converting the status of part-time workers to the one of regular workers to annul the walls of annual incomes. The plan, however, only provides women’s more active performance, remaining totally passive in changing realities. Sincere will of the government is vague.

Government is eager in boosting industries

Meanwhile, the government is keen in enhancing competences of cutting-edge industries, including the semiconductor sector. Rapidus Corporation, established two years ago by the government, will be granted tax money amounting 920 billion yen. The policy further stipulates that necessary legal measures will be taken, asserting the government’s guarantee on repayment of debts financed by private institutions. This is unusual.

But in the policy absent is a review over the weakened Japan’s capabilities in sciences and technologies. Currently almost 60% of professors in the national universities (younger than 40 years of age) are employed as limited-term workers. The government’s reluctance in encouraging basic researches and investing in human resource training has brought consequences of today, that is deterioration of industrial capabilities. This further links with the waning potential growth rate.
Put an end to politics of Ruing Bloc!

The economic and fiscal policy 2024 shows the results of ‘lost three decades’ of the country. Our task lies in putting an end to the Kishida government, linking this mission with terminating the politics led by the Liberal Democratic Party and neo-liberalism.

July 10, 2024